Safety and mobility considerations for aging in place

Join us on Tuesday, January 21st, from 11:00 am – 12:00 noon EST, for our next free informational webinar program on “How Can Effective Networking Grow My AIP Business?” by Graham Weihmiller, CAPS.

Watch for additional 2025 programs.

All programs begin at 11:00 Eastern Time and last approximately 60 minutes.

You also can advance register for specific future programs now.


In registering for this online class, I agree that Steve Hoffacker may record, take occasional screen shots, or use verbal or written comments I may provide to help document and share experiences with others interested in the classes. I agree to be added to his email contact list and to receive emails from him.

Steve Hoffacker intends to conduct the classes as scheduled, but when forces beyond his control intervene, he reserves the right to reschedule those classes. Anyone may request to move their registration to another date without penalty, but there are no refunds provided.

Steve Hoffacker LLC, is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. Course approval ID#7281. This distance learning-interactive activity is offered at 0.1 CEUs, Introductory, Occupational Therapy Service Delivery. The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.

  • This one-hour (0.1 CEUs and 1 Contact Hour) elective class of original material by Master CAPS Instructor and AOTA Approved Provider Steve Hoffacker was created to address the needs of occupational therapists as an introductory level class in Contemporary Issues & Trends for Category One, Occupational Therapy Service Delivery as you explore opportunities to leverage your CAPS training and provide non-clinical services in the home and community environments as a service or part of your business, with an emphasis on home safety.
  • This course also is appropriate for physical therapists, consultants, interior designers, real estate agents, case managers, gerontologists, and others interested in providing a safe and comfortable home living environment for the public
  • The prerequisite for this course is completing the CAPS designation program. While non-CAPS professionals are welcome to attend, there are some references to the CAPS material that would be helpful to understand.
  • This is being offered as a Zoom, synchronous, interactive, distance learning, live class with PowerPoint and is not self-paced or pre-recorded.
  • This is not a required class for any designation but a continuing education course providing 1-hour for people who self-report their hours. Presently, the CEU hours count for AOTA, CAPS, AIBD, and NKBA designations, and possibly others.
  • Steve Hoffacker CAPS is providing content to those who have taken his classes and giving back to them in recognition of their ongoing support of his educational offerings, by scheduling a free continuing professional education program concerning safety considerations for aging in place. These will provide additional education on important facets that generally are not covered elsewhere and provide continuing education credits for your CAPS. These one-hour sessions require advance registration but are free of charge.
  • Learning outcomes for participants:
    • Cite at least three major techniques for dealing with various safety and mobility issues in a client’s home environment,
    • Recall three specific terms or names of features that participants will hear that are important to know when discussing particular accessibility aspects of
      home modifications and renovations.
    • Explain when certain features are more beneficial to use for a client than others.
    • Recall at least two reasons to select or avoid a particular process or technique for creating accessible treatments in the home environment.
  • Some other free online programs have content at the beginning (sometimes as an infomercial) and a hard-hitting sales message at the end. However, Steve does not receive any compensation for these programs, and there is no invitation to purchase anything in the program.
  • Typically, the programs will be recorded for later rebroadcast or viewing on your own, but don’t count on it. Make every attempt to attend the program when it initially airs.
  • Use the “Add To Cart” link above to register for the next program.