For our business, it would be nice if it were this simple – having someone look over our shoulder, so to speak, and determine if what we wanted to do was in sharp focus or if it needed some corrective lenses to bring it into focus.
Many of us may have a vision for what we want to do with our CAPS training and how we want to apply it. There might be a direct application right now in our current business or profession, or perhaps we took the training with the aim of starting our own consulting, modifications, or assessments business in the next year or so.
Wherever we fit in this continuum, it’s time to get our vision checked to see if we are still on target with where we want to be or anything has changed that might affect our vision and how we want to pursue designing and running our business.
The vision that we have may have been years in the making – carefully thinking about how we wanted to offer a service for people who needed help to modify their homes so they could remain living in them safely. On the other hand, this could be a more recent idea. In either case, the health or experiences of close friends or family members may have led to our vision about what to do and how to implement it.
As we prepare for the start of a new year, this is a great time to examine and evaluate the vision we have for our business – whether it’s one we already have started or one that is just on the drawing board.
On the one hand, it’s easy enough to start a business, notwithstanding the financial aspects of being able to produce sufficient revenue to remain viable, but without the vision, there will not be the level of passion and commitment necessary to launch or sustain the business. While it might do well initially, it won’t have the staying power to attract new customers or to motivate us or excite those associated with our business (potential clients and strategic partners).
It is the vision that fuels and propels our business. It provides the passion to be creative, to persist, to innovate, and to reach out to invite and include others who can help implement our vision as well as those who will benefit from having our services in their homes. We must be clear about what we want to do. Our time is important, and the people we want to help can’t afford to have us spinning our wheels without a clear idea of what we want to accomplish.
This is the perfect time to get our business vision checked and determine if we are seeing clearly or if we need some corrective action to bring things back into focus so we can be more effective and productive.