“If We Look Hard Enough For An Excuse, We Can Find One”

It’s funny how when we don’t want to do something that we can find plenty of reasons for putting it off or not doing it. Maybe it’s an invitation to a party or dinner that we feel we should go to but haven’t really committed to attending. It could be something that we agreed to do but now have something more interesting or pleasant to do with that time slot. Of course, it could be writing a proposal, making a phone call, or sending an email when we talk ourselves into doing lots of other things but that one important or pressing task. 

The point is that we can always find reasons not to do something if we look hard enough or get creative about a reason that would keep us from doing it. Sometimes it’s just a stall to put off doing something that we really intend to do, but just not right now – later maybe. It could be an excuse we create or tell ourselves as to why something won’t work or shouldn’t be done. If we look hard enough – and sometimes not even all that hard – we can always find a reason to offer as to why we are putting off doing something that we were asked to do or that we initially thought might be helpful for our business or well-being.

When it comes to our aging in place business, we can find reasons for not doing something if we want, and our potential clients – the ones who really could benefit from what we have to offer – can as well.

Let’s begin with us. We need to find solutions that we are comfortable in providing and then have enough confidence in our abilities and skills to approach potential clients and invite them to let us help. It’s easy to talk ourselves out of that initial contact by thinking that someone would not be interested in what we have to offer, that they are managing fine on their own, that they wouldn’t want to consider any improvements, or that they wouldn’t have the money for such work or wouldn’t want to spend what it would take to create a solution such as we offer.

Such thinking does a disservice to both us and the people we want to serve. If we really do lack confidence in what we can provide, we need to find it – quickly. It’s alright if we can’t provide all of the answers or solutions on our own – that’s we have plenty of strategic partners (other professionals and members of the trades) that we can call upon to assist us in providing a collaborative effort for our clients. If we really doubt the extent of what we can provide, we need to hone in out what we are good at doing or begin to expand that scope to where we have a comfort level in providing what the market needs and what we feel good about doing.

As for our clients, they easily can talk themselves into waiting on a solution. Some of them have been getting by with what they have for several years. Those with specific needs or progressive conditions likely have a higher sense of urgency because they need answers. Still. people are quite adaptable and can find homemade solutions or hacks (workarounds) to accommodate their abilities and getting around within their homes.

It’s not hard for people to find excuses or stalls – money, the inconvenience or dust associated with a remodel, having strange people in their home, and accepting something new, for example. This is understandable but not getting the help they need is not. We have an obligation to contact people we think we can help and engage as many of them as possible. We must look past any weaknesses that we think we have and strengthen them while finding top-notch strategic partners to assist us in delivering our solutions.

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