“Don’t Wait To Make Those Aging In Place Improvements”

Quiet reflection time, relaxation, conversation, and a cup of coffee is a great way to participate in life, but we need to make sure that things that we intend to do or desire are being done as well – before that time to do so is gone.


Situations are subject to change

It’s likely happened to all of us – we see something in our coming and going that we want to take a closer look at, or we think of something we would like to do the next time we are in this area, and both opportunities escape us. Time is fleeting, and so are the opportunities it presents. Waiting is not beneficial. In fact, it can be costly.

How often have we regretted not stopping to take in a beautiful view along the highway or to eat at an attractive diner only to find that we never came that way again or when we did we didn’t find it where we remembered it being? Maybe we drove past it too quickly without realizing where it was. Opportunity lost.

The same can apply to our abilities. If we feel like doing something now but put it off until a more convenient or opportune time, we may not get that chance again. Things don’t always look the same, and our attitude and abilities can change also at some future time.

Delays are rarely attractive or beneficial for us.

Beginning at home

Our homes should be the most familiar setting for us of anything we encounter. We should be able to close our eyes and recall essentially what our interior layout looks like – if not being able actually to navigate the home successfully with outlook looking or even thinking about where we are going. Of course, that assumes that everything is picked up and that nothing is out of place. It also overlooks loose flooring or anything else that may cause us to stumble along the way.

With that said, we have a reasonably good idea of what works, and what doesn’t, in our homes – at least on the surface. Behind the scenes may be more of a mystery to us. This is where experts and specialists can help us identify what would be good to do and help us get started on accomplishing it.

However, we may be so close to the issues – too close really – that we accept or overlook issues that really should be addressed. This is where the additional eyes and experiences of CAPS professionals, OTs, designers, and others can help us in evaluating what is working and what should be modified or tweaked a little.

It doesn’t have to be a major project

Sometimes, we have a tendency to take an all-or-nothing approach to projects. For now, we are willing to accept things as they are, but we really would like to improve some areas. Rather than just tackling those specific areas or making modest improvements, as called for, to improve the safety or appearance of an area, we may put that off for months or even years until we can take a more comprehensive approach to that area.

While a complete makeover of a space can have many advantages, simple improvements or renovations, albeit inexpensive or creative ones, can improve the safety and use of a space. If we opt for a more attractive or higher-end look later on, we can still do that, but in the meantime, we will have benefited from the safety improvements that needed to be done.

When we have accepted something being the way it is long enough – even though we know we don;t care for it or it may present some safety issues for us – it’s time to make a change.

Taking action

Actions are important because they signify a commitment, a willingness, a definiteness of purpose. When actions are called for, even if they are as simple as moving a piece of furniture out of the walkway or finding a home for something that has been awaiting such a measure.

Often, we balk at undertaking improvements because we feel that we are not quite prepared to begin, haven’t thought of a comprehensive approach, or just lack the initiative to get started. We think it might look differently a little later or that maybe it somehow improve on its own.

The reality is that things don’t get better on their own, We may adjust to them and accept them, but they didn’t magically improve on their own. However, we don’t have to be aggressive and spend a lot of time and money if we feel that a simpler and more economical approach will suffice for now. Because things are subject to change anyway, it may require more or different work in the future, and we can benefit from the immediate changes now.

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