This couple is enjoying their long-term home and each other’s company, regardless of any issues they are facing, as they continue living in the home that provides comfort, safety, and convenience for them.
Aging in place is an inclusive concept
When we decide that we want to remain in our current home and age in place, or even if we don’t formally decide but just do so anyway, most of us will not notice anything different. We may have a slightly different outlook on life or an improved attitude about the future in general, but there is nothing specific that coincides with aging in place.
This may be something that has been considered for years and now has become a reality, or soon will be. In general, however, there are not a lot of outward signs that someone is aging in place.
Nevertheless, anyone can do this regardless of the age, style, or location of their home.
No minimum level of standards to meet
The decision to continue living in one’s current home long-term and to age in place may be easier or more apparent for some than others, but there is nothing that must occur before this decision can be made. As long as people like their current home or cannot foresee or imagine any other home being able to meet their needs, including general comfort and well-being, as well as their current home, they can just continue doing what they have been. This is classic aging in place.
There are no requirements to fulfill – a person’s age, physical abilities, size of household, age or type of dwelling, where it is located (urban or rural), or general condition of the home. There are no forms to complete and file or inspections to have conducted. In fact, no one except the homeowners (or renters, in some cases) may know that they are aging in place.
This is one of the easiest activities that someone can do. They just keep doing what they have been in their home of choice.
Aging in place works
The fact is that aging in place works. It certainly is more productive and safer for some than for others. That is our challenge – to find and help those who are struggling with maintaining their independence. Just as there is no minimum level of experience or qualification to age in place, there is not any regulated level of performance for someone’s home.
We have to actively look for people who can use our help, connect with other professionals with whom we can partner, and engage the marketplace for opportunities, but the more we can identify and engage people who are having issues remaining safe in their homes, the more we can help them to have an enjoyable and beneficial aging in place experience.