Sit down at your computer with something to drink and join others from various parts of the country and even the world as we complete the required coursework for the Certified Aging In Place Specialist (CAPS)
Begin where you are
The first thing to know about getting your CAPS (Certified Aging In Place Specialist) designation is that anyone can do it. Not a contractor? No building or construction experience? No health care or therapy background? No design proficiency? None of this matters. They are helpful to be sure, but not prerequisites.
As long as you have the desire to complete the 3-days of classes online and understand what it means to be getting older, you have what it takes to get your certification.
This means that essentially anyone, of any ability, can take the coursework for their CAPS designation and begin using it as much as they like in the marketplace. You may have an immediate need to use your designation, or not. Still, it’s a simple process to complete.
It’s never been easier
It has never been easier to complete the coursework because it’s all online in a live, real-time, synchronous experience. No travel, hotels, childcare, or anything else to arrange except for time off to take the classes. Even at that, the 3 days don’t have to be consecutive. Many people take the 3 classes all in one block, but you can split them up over several days or weeks as might be necessary to accommodate your schedule.
From the comfort of your home or office, you can meet and study with people from various parts of the country, and occasionally, the world. Essentially wake up on the day of the class, sit down at your computer, and you’re there – ready to begin.
Your home is your laboratory
After you earn your CAPS designation, by completing the online courses, you can begin planning to use what you have learned. There is no better place to start than your own home. It could be an older home or relatively new, one that you purchased, or one that you are renting.
Regardless, evaluate your present living environment from several different perspectives as you practice how to approach an evaluation and decide what you want to look for and potentially add or fix.
Aging in place improvements aren’t just about making repairs or rectifying existing conditions that aren’t quite right or safe. It also can include safety measures and the addition of features to make the home easier and more convenient to use.
Nevertheless, spend some quality time reviewing your home as you begin to understand what it might take to create a healthy indoor living environment. From that experience, you can branch out into serving the marketplace.