“Family Gatherings & Aging In Place”

Holidays bring us together Many special occasions throughout the year – birthdays, anniversaries, important holidays, and various celebrations – are times for families to assemble and share in the togetherness… Read more »

“Aging In Place & The Time Change”

It’s that “time” again Nearly everyone will have set their clocks back an hour to “standard” time even though there is strong evidence and an overwhelming sentiment around the country… Read more »

“Understanding Aging In Place”

The essence of aging in place What if we woke up today in the same bed where we went to sleep last night, in the same home and general surroundings?… Read more »

“Universal Design Is Simple”

Don’t overthink universal design Universal design is a very effective design treatment for any age home, although there may be significantly more challenges in implementing some of these treatments in… Read more »

“Aging In Place Occurs Naturally”

Anything worth doing requires effort While it’s true that aging in place is natural and will happen whether we do much to affect it or not (although we can complicate… Read more »